LEGO: Recyclable... Or Not?

LEGO: Recyclable... Or Not?

Here’s a question we get asked a LOT: Is LEGO recyclable, or is it destined to interlock indefinitely in a landfill?

LEGO bricks are made from a plastic called acrylonitrile butadiene styrene, or ABS for short. And while ABS is tougher than tough, it's not exactly a shining example of recyclability. Most recycling programs can’t process ABS, leaving us with a conundrum bigger than that time you stepped on a LEGO brick in the dark.

So, what are your options? Well, the best option is reuse! At Bricks & Minifigs, we sell LEGO pieces, a la carte, every day. LEGO pieces are incredibly versatile. Customers shop for replacement parts to rebuild old sets and they repurpose old parts to build new creations, crafts, jewelry, and even large structures. Selling your used LEGO pieces to Bricks & Minifigs gives your LEGO another life with another LEGO fan. It also saves more plastic from the destiny of the landfill.

Another idea for reuse is donating your LEGO pieces. You can check with your favorite elementary school, religious organization, or homeless shelter to see which organizations can benefit from having some extra LEGO bricks. LEGO even has its own program - LEGO Replay - which lets you donate your pre-loved LEGO bricks so they can find new homes. It's like a LEGO adoption agency, but without the paperwork.

LEGO itself is investing $150 million into finding sustainable alternatives to their current formula by 2032. They’ve been researching plant-based plastics and other eco-friendly materials.

So, next time you’re staring into the abyss (tubs of your loose LEGO pieces), remember that while you can’t recycle LEGO, you can make sure it lives on, and you’ll be building a better world, one LEGO brick at a time.

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